
Pedicure Tub ID


Pedicure Tub ID

Massage through bubbles and vibration

Water heater

Interior tub dimensions: 38x40cm

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ID Pedicure Tub, a Showcase of Relaxation and Elegance in Your Salon

In the world of foot care, the ID Pedicure Tub stands out as a symbol of luxury, comfort, and practicality, offering a pedicure experience that is as relaxing as it is rejuvenating. This is not just an element of Esthetic Furniture, but an investment in service quality and customer satisfaction, providing a space where feet are not only pampered but also celebrated.

Pedicure Tub: More Than a Basin, a Sanctuary for the Feet

The ID Pedicure Tub is a sanctuary where every detail has been designed with comfort and relaxation in mind. This is not just a pedicure basin, but a space where every element, from water temperature to ergonomic design, has been meticulously considered to create a pedicure experience that is truly luxurious and revitalizing.

Elegant Design That Speaks Volumes

The ID Pedicure Tub is not only functional but also incredibly elegant, adding a touch of sophistication to any salon. Every line and curve has been designed not only to be aesthetically pleasing but also to ensure that every customer feels comfortable and relaxed during their service.

Esthetic Furniture: Where Functionality Meets Style

In the world of Esthetic Furniture, the ID Pedicure Tub stands out not only for its functionality but also for how its elegant and modern design adds a touch of luxury and modernity to any salon. This is a piece of furniture that not only serves a practical purpose but also acts as a centerpiece, attracting attention and elevating the aesthetics of the environment.

An Investment in Quality and Durability

The ID Pedicure Tub is not just a pedicure basin but an investment in the quality of service your salon provides. Built with high-quality materials and designed to withstand constant use, this tub ensures that you can provide high-quality pedicure services for years to come.

Customer Experience in the ID Pedicure Tub

From the moment a customer places their feet in the ID Pedicure Tub, they embark on a journey of relaxation and personal care that is unparalleled. The quality of the massage, water temperature, and design comfort ensure that every minute spent in this tub is pure pleasure.

A Journey of Relaxation and Rejuvenation

Every pedicure service in the ID Pedicure Tub is a journey where the feet are pampered and cared for, ensuring that every customer leaves feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. The quality of the massage and the ability to maintain a constant water temperature ensure that every service is consistent and of high quality.

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